

   あと2時間弱で新年。 温暖な冬が続き、カマドに薪をくべてもち米を蒸かして、ウスとキネで餅をつくなんていう、昔ながらの年末の風景とは全く結びつかない年末だった。
   道をクルマで走っていても、トラックも乗用車も殺気立つように荒く走る年末といった例年の雰囲気はなく、わりと穏やか。 マンション入口に小さく飾られた水引きを目に、ようやく少し年始を迎える直前という今を思う。


   I will stop taking "The Photo of the Day" as I can not make time to develop photos from RAW files, and also even taking photos everyday recently and a few years ahead. It's amazing that there are over 1,000 photos here.
   I couldn't find themes of my own through these three years, but it might be sure I have had my favorite scenes already. The differences between old photos and recent ones of my own is how close to the objects and passionately to take photos. "1 photo on 1 day" reminds me this, and it might bother to be "closer" and "passionately" for now. It's little bits complicated, but these are fun anyway on the both way. Also I wonder how to "stop, look and listen carefully" for my photography.
   Next year, in 2016, photos might be up-loaded irregularly.